Here are some frequently asked questions that we receive at Our Place Short-Breaks

1. What days do Short-Breaks run on?

Our Place Shortbreaks run on all Saturdays during the year apart from August (Summer holidays). We are also currently trialling 1 Sunday Session per month.

Sessions are also held during all the main School holidays 5 days per week.

2. What are the timings for sessions?

All sessions run 8:30-15:30

Hours can be reduced if required but this is on a case-by-case basis.

3. What term dates does Our Place Shortbreaks follow?

Our Place Short-Breaks follows the Worcestershire term dates.

Please note that our Summer Holiday is 4 weeks duration not 6.

4. Does Our Place Provide transport to and from sessions?

No. All transport is provided by the local authority. (All transport matters should be authorised and granted by the placing Local Authority prior to sessions commencing)

Our Place Short-Breaks Staff will book transport with the Local authority for agreed sessions and parents will be given the number for the transport company should they have any specific questions regarding this subject.

5. Is a pack Lunch required?

Yes, we ask that all young people bring a pack lunch, drink and any additional snacks. We do provide food for breakfast club (Cereal, toast, fruit) but if anything specific is required we ask that it is brought in by the young person.

6. How are sessions booked?

Our staff team work closely with parents and families to work out what sessions work for all parties. Our intention is to book in quarterly blocks (3 months at a time) to give everyone sufficient notice periods. Sessions are emailed directly from our team to parents/ families and an open dialogue is created.

7. Can we come visit?

Yes of course!

We encourage all families and the young people themselves to visit prior to any sessions starting! It is vital to us that both the young people who attend and their families feel safe and secure in the place where they will be spending their down time. This can be organised directly with the team.

8. What does a session look like?

Each session is individual to the young person’s needs. At Our Place Short-Breaks we try to work alongside the important people in the child’s life to ensure that we are all working towards the same goals and targets. We will often have group activities although different levels will be set to accommodate everyone joining in.

Some of the popular activities that we run are;


Arts and Crafts

Lego building club

Sport sessions

Sensory play

Woodland adventure play

Duke of Edinburgh Award activities

9. Will I receive a handover after each session?

Each young person who joins Our Place Shortbreaks is enrolled (with parental permission) onto a programme called ‘Class Dojo’ www.classdojo.com

This programme allows Shortbreaks staff, parents and social workers to connect confidentially regarding progress made on a day-to-day basis. This is updated with pictures and descriptions after every session and a notification will be received by parents as soon as this happens.

10. What happens if I cancel a booked session?

If a session is booked and then cancelled with 48 hours or less notice, then the session hours will still be deducted from the young person’s hourly allowance that is allocated by the Local authority. If more than 48 hours notice is provided then there is no charge/ removal of hours. We would request that parents/ guardians contact the transport company if using this service to cancel the booking for that day.