Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility. The health, safety and well-being of all children within Our Place is of paramount importance to all adults who both work within and visit.
All children have the right to protection, regardless of age, gender, race, culture or disability. They have the right to be safe. All children within Our Place are respected as individuals.
Here at Our Place, we have created a culture of transparency whereby our teams know how to recognise concerns of abuse, we also follow these principles:
‘If in doubt- report’
Parents and visitors have access to safeguarding information. We promote a culture of transparency where people know how to recognise concerns of abuse, know how to and who to report to, and how to keep children safe.
We teach and support children how to keep safe, how to raise concerns, and who to talk to if they are worried about anything.
‘If you are worried- Talk to someone’
We will always take people’s concerns seriously and take corrective action to prevent incidents that may harm a child from occurring and use reflective practice to ensure our standards remain high.
Whilst every member of our teams shares the responsibility for safeguarding the children we support, educate, and care for we have certain roles that carry additional expectations and responsibilities.
These additional expectations and responsibilities typically sit within our leadership team and include;
• Ensuring that all of our teams know the procedures for safeguarding children and know who to go to for further advice and support;
• Liaise with local Safeguarding Partners to ensure compliance;
• Resolve any inter-agency issues and ensure effective working collaboration with other agencies;
• Take the strategic lead in the development of safeguarding procedures on behalf of The Our Place Group and the children we support, educate, and care for.